Today I decided to prepare a french hazelnut financiers recipe for all the family (including babies of course!) (quite adaptable with almonds if you want).
Why hazelnut financiers? Because we are totally fans of hazelnuts here at home!
French hazelnut financiers recipe for babies and all the family (From 12 months)
French financiers are cakes that are (very) sweet with (a lot) of butter … clearly not the best for our babies. Neither for the parents’ diet and cholesterol … let’s not talk about it!
We love financiers at home but we had to find an alternative without depriving ourselves!
Very important clarification concerning nuts such as hazelnuts and almonds: in France, allergists now recommend an early introduction of these fruits in order to eliminate the risk of allergies. It is therefore possible to introduce them into powdered preparations, or into milk from time to time and this from 10 months. However, if there is already an allergenic terrain in the baby family, it is essential to discuss the introduction of these nuts with the baby pediatrician before any introduction!
We keep the same basic ingredients here, we just revised (clearly) down the butter and the sugar. (For lactose allergic babies, replace the butter with neutral oil -> Rapeseed, sunflower, etc.).
Do you like the idea? Let’s do it!
Here is what you need to prepare this Easy french hazelnut financiers recipe for babies and all the family (From 12 months, for 12 financiers):
- [adinserter block="11"]
- - 1/2 cup (1.8 oz / 60g) ground hazelnut
- - 2 Tbsp flour (15g)
- - 1 Tsp sugar (optional)
- - 2 egg whites
- - 1 Tbsp melted butter or 0.34 fl oz oil (12g)
Start by preheating the oven to 340°F on a circulating heat.
Homogeneously mix dry ingredients in a bowl, i.e. flour, sugar and ground hazelnut.
In another bowl, whisk our 2 egg whites so that they become frothy (do not whisk the whites into snow!).
Add dry ingredients to sparkling egg whites, while continuing to mix / whisk.
Melt the butter and add it to our mixture of ingredients (when it is no longer too hot, otherwise the egg whites will start to cook). (If you use oil, no need to heat it up of course 😉 ).
The financier dough is ready, place it in your financier mold using a small spoon for example. For the mold, I used this Silikomart financial mold which is just great!
Once oven is hot, bake for 15 minutes (fan-assisted). (Adapt the cooking time according to your oven).
When they come out of the oven, the hazelnut financiers must be well cooked on the outside and still soft on the inside 😉
This recipe is perfect for the little hands of our babies, ideal during snack time, and perfect to be shared with the whole family! Keep it maximum 48 hours in an airtight container at room temperature (anyway, they will probably be eaten before ^^).
Our Easy french hazelnut financiers recipe for babies and all the family (From 12 months) is not over
Bon appetit to baby and the whole family!
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